Healthy Baby Contest History
The Healthy Baby Contest has been an island tradition since 1954 that was created by the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees. The annual event is a fun free event for families and spectators. It is a light-hearted approach to raising awareness for healthy living. The contestants will be judged on their physical appearance, healthiness, and personality. The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees aim to continue this long tradition of a baby contest on the island.
Honolulu Chinese Jaycees History
The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees (HCJ), founded in 1953 by Dr. Wai Sen Char, is a Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. HCJ focuses on engaging young active citizens between the ages of 18-40 and provide training opportunities in leadership and community service management.
Members come from many cultural and professional backgrounds to develop their leadership skills by participating in professional programs, assisting with community service projects and having fun at social and sports activities.
The Honolulu Chinese Jaycees also had the honor of hosting the 1997 Junior Chamber International World Congress. This event brought over six thousand delegates to Hawaii from over 100 countries around the world.
An organization of boundless opportunity, HCJ has played a key role in training Hawaii's young leaders. HCJ is the organization of choice to help young people improve their professional skills, assist the community, develop long-‐term friendships and ensure Hawaii's future with strong, young leaders.